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Dr. Md. Sarwar Hossain Sohel

(Lead organizer), University of Bern, Institute of Geography

Dr Sarwar is a postdoctoral researcher (Marie Curie Fellow) at the Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland. His research aims to define the limits of sustainability by understanding the complex dynamics between social and ecological systems. Email:


Dr. Jorge Ramirez
(Co-organizer), University of Bern, Institute of Geography
Dr. Jorge Ramirez is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland. His research focuses on Geomorphology, Natural Hazards and Risk Research / Cluster Risk & Resilience. Email:


Cristina Joss
(Student assistant), University of Bern, Institute of Geography 


Supported by 

Institute of Geography, Risk & Resilience Cluster:
Prof. Dr. Margreth Keiler,  Prof. Dr. Chinwe Ifejika Speranza, Prof. Dr. Olivia Romppainen-Martius, and Prof. Dr. Heike Mayer


Mobiliar Lab for Natural Risks: 
Dr. Andreas Zischg

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